
Konstantinos Rokofyllos
CEO & Founder
2005 – today CEO & Founder Paleros Bay
2002 – 2003 General Manager Venue Operations,
Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games
1998 – 2001 Chairman & CEO KERANIS Tobacco S.A.
1996 – 1997 Deputy General Manager of PAKO S.A. (Paper Industry)
1995 – 2002 ETEVA National Investment Bank for Industrial Development S.A.: Member of BOD
1994 – 1995 Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology
Director of the Alternate Minister’s Office
1993 – 1994 General Manager of LINK S.A. Consultants
1989 – 1991 Professor of Operations Research and Director of the Algorithm Section of University EPITA Paris
1991 M.Sc. in Marketing Management
“MASTERE en Gestion Marketing”,
E.S.S.E.C., Grande Ecole de Commerce, Paris
1989 M.Sc. in Decision Models
“D.E.A. Modeles Algorithmes et Logiciels de Decision”,
Pierre&Marie Curie University-PARIS VI
1987 B.Sc. in Computer Science
“MAITRISE d’ Informatique”
Pierre&Marie Curie University-PARIS VI
1982 VARVAKIO model high school, Athens
2005 – today CEO & Founder Paleros Bay
2002 – 2003 General Manager Venue Operations,
Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games
1998 – 2001 Chairman & CEO KERANIS Tobacco S.A.
1996 – 1997 Deputy General Manager of PAKO S.A. (Paper Industry)
1995 – 2002 ETEVA National Investment Bank for Industrial Development S.A.: Member of BOD
1994 – 1995 Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology
Director of the Alternate Minister’s Office
1993 – 1994 General Manager of LINK S.A. Consultants
1989 – 1991 Professor of Operations Research and Director of the Algorithm Section of University EPITA Paris
1991 M.Sc. in Marketing Management
“MASTERE en Gestion Marketing”,
E.S.S.E.C., Grande Ecole de Commerce, Paris
1989 M.Sc. in Decision Models
“D.E.A. Modeles Algorithmes et Logiciels de Decision”,
Pierre&Marie Curie University-PARIS VI
1987 B.Sc. in Computer Science
“MAITRISE d’ Informatique”
Pierre&Marie Curie University-PARIS VI
1982 VARVAKIO model high school, Athens
Tuesday 22 | 10
Banquet HallTue 22 | 10
Speaker 1 Full Name
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