
Anastasios Andreadis
Board Member
Anastasios Andreadis was born in Thessaloniki in 1995. He went through high school at the Anatolia College of Thessaloniki and went on to study engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki where he obtained an integrated Masters degree in Civil Engineering.
After university, he worked for the family business, the Sani-Iukos group, which owns and runs a luxury resort in the Chalcidiki region as well as a number of luxury all inclusive resorts in Greece and the Iberian peninsula. After that, he worked as a management intern in Marriott middle east in Dubai where he was part of the team in four different properties.
He carried on attending INSEAD for his postgraduate studies joining the Masters in Management program in Fontainebleau, France and Singapore.
Upon returning he briefly worked for Deloitte in Greece for six months prior to joining STANTA S.A. which is a family run company, to work on the new ventures.
Tuesday 22 | 10
Banquet HallTue 22 | 10
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